Happy Eco-Monday!

Good morning all!!

  1. I am in a surprisingly optimistic mood this morning as I reflect on all the things that have happened in the last week.

  2. A few weeks ago I met a woman who I knew was going to become a good friend. I just felt it right away. We share a lot of the same core values about a healthy planet and an eco-friendly lifestyle. Through a conversation with her the other day, we now have a few new opportunities to explore together and I am looking forward to cultivating our relationship, both personally and professionally.
  3. I asked my long time friend and former boss to give me a recommendation on my LinkedIn profile and got the best one I could have imagined ever getting from anyone. It actually moved me to tears. Here is what he said; “Smart, competent, creative and loyal. Debbi Watson is the best employee I ever had. She was far more than a bookkeeper for Gallco. An administrator and first class assistant is how I think of her.
    Only the most extreme circumstances have forced our separation. Hire her if you can, but be forewarned. When I’m back on my feet, I’m coming after her and will pay top dollar to get her.”

  4. My new business cards came in the mail on Saturday. I am super excited to have a professional looking card to hand out to people I know to introduce my new venture. Like I stated previously, I am more of a back room operations type of worker, (stick me in a room with a computer and I’m happy) so striking up conversations with people about my new business makes me a little nervous. Even though it is basically just sharing something I believe in, which does make it easier, I guess I’m a little self-conscious that people won’t value what I have to say. #2 above makes me feel better about that. 

So in closing, I will say that I guess I woke up with a renewed faith in myself and my image. People that are meeting me now are seeing the real me. My inner environmentalist is closer to the surface than ever and my passion for making saving the planet my #1 goal, (right after creating a healthy, peaceful and loving environment for my family) is giving people a glimpse of a ‘new aura’ about me, which I believe will continue to grow as my impact on the environment is felt more.

P.S – While I was writing this post, I noticed that I received another recommendation on my LinkedIn profile from a former supervisor. Maybe my ‘value’ was always visible to others and I am just now starting to realize it. 

Thanks to everyone who believes in me and have a great day!! 🙂


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